Relationships require leaps of faith nowadays. It gets hard to see the signs early on when still in the talking phase. We think some things are as clear as the sun and shouldn’t go unnoticed. Because when people neglect some hints, it can lead to arguments like those about Tom from 500 Days of Summer. We’re here to address that. Yes, you guessed it right, we’re here to tell you five signs someone is emotionally unavailable! Don’t be like Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother and carry on reading!

Avoiding deep intimate relationships:
The word relationship is a living nightmare to them, and you respect that. They’re not looking for a commitment or anything serious for the matter. Out of respect and for your good, when people communicate this, they mean it.

Withdrawing when people get too close:
With someone emotionally unavailable, you never feel like you grow closer. They need a lot of time to open up, and will also act distant most of the time. And no, you don’t need to stick longer with them or try harder.

Discomfort in the presence of feelings:
Emotionally unavailable people do have feelings, but they don’t trust anyone enough to let them in on this side. In response to showing sentiments, they might only show you some of their vulnerabilities and maybe even mirror your own emotions.

Highlighting independency:
Relationships require effort, time, respect, trust, love, and many other things. They also require giving and not only taking. But emotionally unavailable people seem selfish, but they’re only scared. They fear losing themselves in a relationship. So instead, they make it clear all the time that they’re highly independent and don’t need anyone.

Unreliable with making plans:
Commitments, small or big, are not their thing. They never want to feel like anyone is altering their lives or routines. So they call the shots, or they usually cancel plans for more alone times. While having time for themselves is crucial, they should also make time for their partners.

Being emotionally unavailable is not a bad or a mean thing. But people should be clear about it, and others should take the hint! What other signs have you encountered in your life?