Tamer Hosny

Okay, so there’s a big chance that if you’ve ever listened to Egyptian music that nine times out of ten, you’re listening to a Tamer Hosny song. The man has been with us from the very beginning and, honestly, so far his albums have more hits than misses.

So the million dollar question is: do you think he can craft a classic breakup album (one that could rival Tamer Ashour’s, well, anything)? Well, if you want to find out, you’ll just have to check out our review of these choice 6 tracks!

Track 1: Awelny Kalam

If you look at this album like it’s a story, you’ll be able to see this track as the first chapter. It’s a cutesy love confession that’s bubblegum-poppy and sweet.

And if you’re into singing about love in form of a telling-all-the-boys story.

Track 2: Bi Alf Salama

And this is where the breakup bits of the album begin. In this track, we hear Tamer sing from the point of view of someone so unbelievably sick of the relationship he’s in that he’s welcoming the breakup.

And you can probably tell, right about now, what’s going to be the second top song that will be played come breakup season.

Track 3: Fagaa Eftara2na

A more toned down approach to the breakup songs in the album, Fag2a Eftra2na is the track you’ll listen to when the breakup is kinda-mutual but still sad in a surprising way.

And that’s not the best part about it. See, with its use of similar-looking words and nostalgic melody, it’ll be even kind of comforting.

Track 4: E5tera3

So, we’ve all heard Ekhtera3 before because it was basically a summer hit. But you know what? It really doesn’t make sense in the slightest.

In Khaleek Folazy we have titles like Fag2a Eftara2na and Karahteny Fil 7ob, so a song like this seems kind of forced in. Sure, it can work as a rebound song but still.

Track 5: Mabatalnash E7sas

Ending things with someone doesn’t always indicate that you’re going to never trust in love again. Sometimes, what happens is that you simply get wiser…just like the Mabtalnash E7sas track suggests.

You break up and you get wiser about love. And you’re happily singing about it, breakup effects and all!

Track 6: Karahteny Fil 7ob

Karahteny Fil 7ob, as is clear from the title, is literally the ultimate breakup song ever. Picture this — the relationship was not just horrible. It was literally so horrible, it made you actually hate love AND dedicate an entire song about it.

And how is that for a classic, really?

What do you think? Stream it or skip it?