As Train For Aim turns 2 we look at the reasons why this growing organization and triathlon are taking Cairo and Alexandria by storm.

There has been a huge buzz lately about triathlon so we thought you might be wondering what the big deal is?! TFA’s first triathlon held at El Gouna last June was a huge success attracting around 200 participants, hundreds of fans, sponsors and media. The next TFA race is just around the corner this December in Sahl Hashish.

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 Participants of the first TFA triathlon in Gouna, June 2014

 1. Triathlon is just really cool to pronounce

Well it’s kind of like marathon but not, just remove mar- and replace it with tri- , add an ‘L’ in the back there and you have it, triathlon! Bal3ab triathlon definitely makes you sound cool!


 2. Three in One!

We love offers and that’s the great thing about triathlon and TFA.

You get to practice 3 sports in one race. You start swimming then bike and finally run. Then comes the real challenge of figuring out how to smile at the finish line for the cameras! Sometimes it’s impossible!

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3. Forma – Get fit!

Instead of wasting hours at the gym invest your time in something that really matters to complete this challenging multidiscipline race we hate3mel a7la forma

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4. Masr!

You finally get the chance to wear the prestigious national uniform 7ata law kan OVERALL!

TFA is affiliated with the Egyptian triathlon Federation and gives you the chance to represent Egypt in international races on a semiprofessional level at any age!

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 TFA Triathlon team at the Triathlon World Championship in London, September 2013

 5. Triathlon is the new IN thing

When you go to a triathlete event, you will often find yourself surrounded by a successful and fit crowd. Many top level management such as CEO’s, and successful entrepreneurs have taken up the challenge of triathlons. It’s in their nature to be competitive, goal oriented and to multi-task!


6. Because they are a big fat happy FAMILY!


7. Challenging!

Because they challenge their members and make the best out of everything!


8. It’s FUN!

They definitely know how to have fun while living a healthy life 🙂


9. Not just Triathlon!

In addition to the triathlon program, TFA also offers a complete fitness program led by the experienced head coach Ezz Khalil, offering members a wide range of fitness sessions including interval training, cardio workouts, strength training and many more!


10. Because simply, why wouldn’t you?











