It’s the year 2021 and sadly, a lot of myths and misconceptions about sex are still very much alive and well in Egypt. Believe it or not, but some of the info we get from movies, media and even friends are mostly misleading. 

We encourage you to read and research the topic more, it’s part of taking care of your health just like anything else. And especially if you’re a bride-to-be. But until you do that, here are some die-hard sex myths to get you started!

Sex is painful

We wrote an entire article about why this is wrong. Sex, even for the first time, should feel good. If it didn’t, then it’s either psychological or physical. Read here for more

Sex gives you a heart attack

How many times did we see this on TV? The not too subtle implications that people drop like flies from sex, all the time.

Truth is, studies have shown that sex can actually improve your heart’s health. However, if you’re already at risk for some related cardiovascular disease, then there’s a good chance there. 

Women are sexually hard to please

This is wrong and so is comparing between men and women’s levels of arousals. It’s not a competition. Women don’t rarely experience an orgasm, but the partner should learn his woman’s keys. 

How? Simply through open communication.

Sex means intercourse only

There are so many ways to enjoy sex and it doesn’t only have to be through intercourse. In fact, a serious amount of women don’t even experience an orgasm from penetrative sex. 

Sex affects athletic performance 

For years and years, we saw football stars and athletes being bullied into believing their field performances were negatively affected after marriage. WRONG.

With just a little research, you can easily debunk this silly and intrusive claim. Correlation doesn’t mean causation!

Vaginal color is important

We can’t stress this enough. Like, the amount of posts written by girls getting ready for their wedding day but terrified of what their husbands will think of their skin color is CRAZY. 

Girls, vaginas and labias come in all different shapes, colors and sizes. Being healthy, down there, is the only thing you should be worried about.

Sex is more enjoyable to men

Again, no. While the way to please a man can seem pretty obvious, reciprocating it to your wife only takes listening to her own individual needs. 

Thank you all for coming to our little sex-ed talk. We seriously hope this motivates you to do the research yourself next time. Only by doing so, can we get rid of those stubborn age-old myths! 

some sources:

Heart attack symptoms: Having SEX twice a week reduces risk

HEART ATTACK symptoms can prove deadly, but men who have sex regularly could significantly reduce their risk of suffering.

Does having sex affect athletic performance? | CNN

Does “getting busy” affect athletic performance? Here’s what the science says about having sex before a major sporting event.