It is only natural that a guy would love his mother. Seriously, you’re better off alone than being with a guy who lacks respect toward his own mother.

However, there is a HUGE difference between a normal mother/son relationship and a mother/mama’s boy relationship.

The following signs can help you identify if you’re in a relationship with “Ebn Omo” :

1. Mama Says…

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Do you find your guy constantly going behind your back and asking for his mom’s opinion about major issues? Or hitting you with the “Mama Says..” line. Well ladies, all you’ve got to do is read the sign…He is definitely “Ebn Omo”.

2. He Compares You To Her

A true mama’s boy is actually just looking for a girl who fits his mother’s mold. All your positive actions will be met with “My mom thinks the same.” “If my mom was in your shoes, she would have done so also.” But whenever you do something he might not like….He will shower you with “My mother wouldn’t do something like that”.

3. He Chooses Her Over You All The Time

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A man should always include his mother in his priority list; there is no shame in that. On the contrary, he should be proud to do so. BUT he shouldn’t be choosing her over you every step of the way, even when she’s wrong. That screams insecurity!!

4. She Goes Out With Both of You…A lot!

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How often does it happen that you and your partner have plans to go out, and when he comes to pick you up, you find his mom waving at you from the front seat? “Mom decided to join us:)” he says cheerfully when you get into the car.

 5. She Knows EVERTHING About Your Relationship

Ever asked or mentioned something about you to your partner’s mother and found out she already knows about it and in great detail? A true mama’s boy will fill his mother with the whole lot happening in his life, even your own secrets my friend…Run.

 6. Once She Is Around He Acts Differently

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Some mama’s boys tend to act rebellious when she is not around, as if he has got the wheel of his life and no one can interfere, but when mama comes around, his chicken side is uncovered.

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 7. Convincing Him Takes Her Seconds

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All she needs to do is snap her fingers to persuade him with something; it might take you days and still he is not always convinced.

 8. When Mama Speaks He Is All Ears

When it’s his mommy talking, he listens carefully just like a student in class, and doesn’t dare say anything, only nod agreeing with all what comes out of her mouth.

If you happen to notice these signs in your partner, either run to the door or …God help you!