mental health

Let’s put this out there loud and clear, nothing is more important than taking care of your mental health. You might think your mental health is somewhat tricky at times, but in reality, sometimes it’s staring you right in the face that you need to seek help while you can’t see it. 

We’re here to help you determine whether or not you are keeping your mental health in check. Here are a few signs that could mean you’re struggling from a mental illness and need to seek help. And remember, be kind to your mind! 

Low Mood At All Times 

Yes, we all experience low moods and extreme feelings of sadness, it’s human nature. But when it turns to an everlasting feeling of misery and despair, there’s a lot to question at that point. 

Another way to distinguish between a normal mood swing and a depressive state is to try to think of the underlying causes. If today was a bad day overall and you go home and cry your heart out at the end of it, it’s pretty clear why you might be feeling down. 

On the other hand, depression doesn’t have to have a justification. You can feel at the lowest point you’ve ever reached and not have a reason for it. So next time you try to determine whether or not this is just a mood turbulence that is sure to pass by, keep this in mind. 

Excessive Paranoia, Anxiety Or Worry 

mental health

We know life can get super stressful at times. Especially to young adults who are just starting to feel the weight of new responsibilities. 

It’s okay to worry about what lies ahead but try not to let that turn into excessive paranoia or anxiety because that’s when it can really get out of hand. 

If you catch yourself excessively worrying about absolutely everything and anything, there’s got to be something going on in your head. If life gets too stressful to handle, stop and take a minute to organize your thoughts and pay attention to your pattern of thinking. 

The key is to always stay connected to your mind, because that’s when you’ll notice the changes. 

Sleeping Too Much Or Too Little 

Changes in your sleeping pattern can be a clear sign of early stages of depression. Whether you’re struggling to sleep at all or spending the entirety of your day crawled up in bed, this can be an indicator your mind isn’t as healthy as you need it to be. 

If you’re experiencing a sudden change in your sleep patterns, be more alert and stay aware of whether or not that change persists. If it does, try seeking professional help to find out the underlying cause behind it.

Social Withdrawal & Self Isolation

Do you prefer to be alone all the time? Starting to hate social gatherings even though they used to be your thing? This might be some sort of red flag that your mental health isn’t that stable. Social withdrawal and self isolation are bold and obvious signs that something’s wrong.

Even if you weren’t that much of a people person, no one prefers to be on their own at all times! It’s absolutely normal to need to spend some quality time with yourself, in fact, it’s actually super healthy. What’s not so typical is to spend all the time away from others. This is when you need to start paying more attention to how you feel and what’s running through your mind.

mental health

Dramatic Changes In Eating Patterns 

Whether you start eating too much out of nowhere or begin to eat half of the portions you used to indulge on, you have to pay attention to the causes behind that sudden switch. Sometimes your eating pattern can slightly change depending on your body’s needs but it can’t be something that lasts longer than it should.

Ask yourself this, did I stop eating because I’m feeling down? Am I binge eating because I find comfort in food only? If your answer was yes to these questions, then something’s staring your right in the face.Your eating patterns have suddenly changed to the worse and that can’t be right.

Focus on trying to understand the reason behind those changes and taking steps to fix those patterns. Your body is connected to your mind, so pay attention to both.

Extreme Emotional Outbursts

Mood swings can get a little out of hand sometimes, learn to notice them. Emotional outbursts of unpredictable sadness can be hard to handle at times, but they can get even more critical if you don’t pay attention to how they can further affect you.

Sudden lows can hit you like a train but the truth is, they have been building up for quite a while without you noticing them. The breaking point you reach is a sign that you’ve hit rock bottom and need to let it all out. Here’s a tip don’t hold the sadness inside of you, let it out whenever you need to, it takes off so much of the weight.

If you’ve been experiencing any of these signs, take a step to explore what might be running through your mind. Acknowledge your feelings and remember to always be kind to your mind.