It’s funny that life, with all its complications, the good and the nasty, the headaches it causes you, and the pleasure and amusement it brings you, is much the same as a coin. Heads or tails, these are the only two options you have when you flip a coin. That’s almost identical to life. Any and every experience in our life has only two outcomes; it’s either good or bad.

Marriage is a common step most of us take in this life. Some people tend to think that taking this step at an early age turns the odds against you; others support this decision, but who’s right? Well, when you throw a coin into the air and it starts rotating edge-over-edge, nothing can guarantee you good fortune. It’s a gamble.

Marrying at young age is the same as everything, but let’s pretend your coin has fallen on its side, you can now see the pros and the cons of taking this step.

The pros of getting married at a young age:

 1. Your Daily Habits Will Form Together

When you get married in the springtime of your life, you get to skip the part where you start living on your own, or start being independent from your parents to the point that you have established your own habits such as your waking up routine or how much money you spend or save from your paycheck. Older couples struggle with similar issues to mesh their lives together. On the other hand, young couples build up their daily habits together.

2. Small Age Gap Between You & Your Children

When the age difference between you and your children isn’t enormous, you save yourself the headache of the battle between two generations. You can still somehow see things through their eyes. Also, you still have a full battery for the load of hard work that comes with having a child.

3. Plan Your Future Together

You’re both still at the starting line of your life; you can choose any path you wish to take and figure it out together. You’re still as light as a feather; you’re not busy chasing down your newly crawling 7th month old. Building a career along with looking after your family and household is not an easy task, which leads us to the next point.

4. No Pressure Of Having Kids 

You’re still young; there is no pressure to have kids in the near future. You get to enjoy each other’s company and attention while figuring out the life of a married couple. When the time is right, you can have kids.

The cons of getting married at a young age:

1. Lack Of Maturity

Let’s not embellish things out. You’re both young and immature; it’s not something you’re blamed for but a fact. You were still learning how to be responsible for yourself when you suddenly found yourself in charge of a whole household! The shock of this change can unbalance any marriage.

2. Financial Well-being May Not Be So Great

Older couples had a head start and a strong grip of their financial life, but young couples have just stepped into the field, and while having wild dreams of taking a tour around the world together, reality will toss cold water in their faces.

3. Your Twenties Is Your Chance To Go Crazy

You’re not one person now, but two. It requires work to understand that, even for a madly in love couple. Instead of finding yourself taking an internship in South Africa or doing a road trip around the country with your pals, you will be spending time to take care of your sick spouse or working a double shift to buy a better house…etc

So, which are you for?

Do you believe in young marriage?