martial arts

“Martial arts are ultimately self-knowledge, a punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front of you, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups”

– Bruce Lee

I distinctively remember the first time I walked into a martial arts class a few years back; I was more concerned with fitness and losing weight than with fighting and kicking ass. My first martial arts experience was with Karate when I was just a little kid; the coach told my mother that her son can go play ballet, fighting is not for him…

Practicing martial arts is one of the best things that could happen to anyone. Besides learning all the fighting skills, it’s really enriching, gives you great life lessons and helps shape your personality like nothing else. That makes it a vital activity one should give a try, particularly here in Egypt.

1-    Fitness and activity


Practicing martial arts is one of the most interesting ways to be fit and more active; your improved fitness level is crucial for your progress. As you get fitter, it will reflect on your performance which will give you a push to do even  better and try harder in all aspects of your daily life.

2-    Learning to focus

One of the many perks of martial arts is that it teaches you how to control your mind and focus on one task, which in this case, is your opponent. Not all of us can clear our heads easily and focus on one idea or one objective, but once you’re in the ring, you really have no choice but to focus.

3-    Mind-body control


Coordinating all your senses and reflexes is a must in martial arts. You will learn how to coordinate between your eyes, ears, arms and legs, and use them all at once in order to be an exceptional fighter. This will make you a very sharp observer and will teach you how to react proportionately to every action, not more and not less.

4-    Self-confidence and respect

Martial arts will definitely boost your self-confidence level. As time goes by, you will be stronger, faster, and will look and feel better about yourself. You will also gain self-respect and learn how to respect others; you will learn that there is no such thing as ‘The Tough Guy’ and that no matter how strong or fast you become, there’s always someone in the class who’s stronger. This will make you realize that violence is never the answer to any problem, that you have to use your brain wisely before making any move, and that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone; you’re strong and you know it.

5-    Conditioning training

Practicing martial arts increases your conditioning level because as a fighter, you will learn to practice fighting for a long time. You will be fighting and dodging and fighting and dodging over a long period of time which will teach you that nothing good comes easy, and that you will have to try harder and harder and never give up until you are better than the person you were yesterday.

Since Egypt is becoming more and more an unsafe environment for women, learning martial arts could be a vital activity for Egyptian girls and women these days. Many of us heard about the girl who has beaten the hell out of her harasser; when people tried to stop her and told her to let him go, she kicked their asses too and they ran away. She is just a university student who has been taking up martial arts for only a year. Besides being a badass and beating the hell out of anyone, martial arts has even more advantages for women.

6-    Self-Love


It will teach you to love yourself and your body. Even if you can’t have Jennifer Aniston’s body, you’re strong and your body is capable of things you didn’t imagine.

7-    The Looks

Besides being a badass, martial arts and kickboxing gives you a perfect body. You will notice how you’re getting hotter, stronger and more confident at the same time.

8-    Size doesn’t matter

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You will learn that whatever your size is, you can still use it to your advantage not only in fights, but in every possible aspect of life. Your will be friends with your body again, whether you’re a small woman or a tall lady.

9-    Comfort zone

One of the most important things about martial arts is being in the best comfort zone ever. Your circle will consist of great fighters who will always have your back no matter what.


10-                      Learn to get hit

Finally, martial arts will teach you the some of the most precious lessons about life.

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” –Rocky IV