We’ve seen many productions tackling neurodiversity and mental health issues recently -which is progress on the right track to social change using art. Here are the best five productions shedding light on these very important issues!

Ella Ana “Helm Hayaty”:
Mayan El Sayed had been on a roll with meaningful roles that tackle crucial issues, but one of her most prominent ones has be her role as Khadija in Ella Ana’s Helm Hayaty. Mayan portrayed a young woman with autism who dreams of being an actress. The series also showed how society treats people with autism and the challenges they face, including limited opportunities and bullying. This show remains one of the first and most important productions that shed light on the matter.

Hala Khassa:
With 4 episodes out, Hala Khassa is doing so well and is very exciting for audiences. Taha Dessouky totally embraced the character of Nadim, a very talented young man with autism who aspires to be an employed lawyer. The smartest lawyer in the room is very fun to follow around, and the series also has a very nice way of telling Nadim’s story.

Khali Balak Min Zizi:
The hype on Khali Balak Min Zizi becomes more and more logical as time passes. To have someone put a spotlight on ADHD as a neurodiversity was something people won’t forget, especially those dealing with the issue. Everyone on the show did an awesome job channeling the essence of the story and educating people more about ADHD.

Fo2 Mostawa El Shobohat:
Both Youssra and Nelly Karim excelled in representing mental health issues in the year 2016, but Youssra’s embodiment of hatred and unresolved traumas was too good in Fo2 Mostawa El Shobohat. The importance of therapy and the chance of it not working was highlighted in the show. Youssra showed how much of an acting master she was with that role; it was different from any other role she played before.

Hekayet Hayah:
This role remains one of the most prominent ones Ghada Abdel Razek played in her acting catalog. Hekayet Hayah had us all fooled and we never saw that she was the unreliable narrator. To tackle mental health issues and break the taboo in 2013 was huge; this show’s success was very well-deserved.