Dina Dash

So, you read the title and you must be a little bit skeptical here. You may just want to say that ‘duh, people love Dina Dash because of the wedding’ and call it a day. But honestly, it goes into a lot more than that.

And aren’t you a little bit curious to know why? Because there are 5 reasons and you’re about to read them here!

She actually feels genuine

Whether you find her relatable or not, it’s not hard to say that Dina Dash doesn’t feel like a person who’s talking to you from the top of a high horse…which is more than we could say for other online personalities.

Because we love seeing people in love

Alright, let’s not beat around the bush. Dina Dash’s surge in viral popularity came because of her katb kitab and her wedding — and that makes total sense because, well, what’s nicer than seeing two people being wholesomely in love?

She’s like that one really chill cousin you have

If you’ve been on twitter (or like, generally online) then you’ve probably seen a few people saying Dina Dash reminded them of their cousin. And doesn’t she? No, think about it. There’s a very ‘cool cousin’ energy about her there.

Sibling goals

Yet another reason why we kinda ‘aww’ at the videos. See, love or hate our siblings (and it’s usually a mix of both), we can’t help but see the better moments as really cute.

It’s the vibe

Okay, so here’s the thing. Sometimes you meet or see people and you just like them. There’s no reason at all except that they seem like good vibes and this pretty much the case with Dina Dash.

Yes, the reasons are there.