Ever asked yourself if you’re staying in the relationship for the wrong reasons? Sometimes people choose to stay with their partner even if they’re not happy or fully convinced. There are several reasons why that could happen; below are some of them. Consider them carefully and be honest with yourself.


You’re afraid of being “alone”

 That’s probably the number one reason that keeps us in a relationship for the wrong motives. With everybody else in relationships, you could be unwilling to be the only single one, or you could simply be afraid of not having someone in your life. While that’s understandable, I will refer you to why it’s totally okay that you’re not in a relationship and tell you that it’s better to be happy alone than to be in a relationship you don’t really want to be in. Being single doesn’t mean you’re alone. Overcome that irrational fear and don’t be unfair to your partner for selfish reasons.


You don’t want to hurt their feelings

Your unwillingness to hurt their feelings, by breaking up with them, is understandable and shows you have a kind heart. However, not telling them how you really feel is just as bad, if not worse. You should be honest with them even if it’ll hurt their feelings in the beginning. It’s better for them on the long run. Don’t give them false hope and get their emotions for you to grow only to leave them eventually down the line. The best time to do it is now; waiting will only make it worse.


You’re afraid you might not find someone else

There are more than 6 billion people on the planet. The chances of you not finding someone at all are probably quite slim. Plus, if you’re not happy with them, it’s better for you to be single and enjoying life than unhappy in a relationship. Let that fear go; it’s not a good enough reason for you to say with someone. Release them from the relationship and give both of you a chance of being happy.


You like the things they do for you

They get you nice things, they tell you nice things, they make you feel good; what’s not to like, right? You may not truly love them, but you don’t want to let them go because of the nice things they add to your life. If that’s your case, I will kindly ask you to stop being selfish and break off the relationship. It’s unfair to keep someone tied down just because they fulfill your selfish needs. You should be self-sufficient before getting into a relationship; don’t count on other people for making you feel good. The romance and pampering from a partner should make you feel great, of course, but it shouldn’t be the thing on which you rely to feel good. Don’t be selfish with someone who has been nothing but good to you.


You don’t want to face people’s reactions when they find out

People can be quite brutal sometimes, so I understand if you don’t want to face your friends’ and family’s reactions to the news of you breaking up. I can imagine the insane amount of questions you wouldn’t want to answer; not to mention the sad and pitiful looks they’ll give you when you tell them. It’s not easy; I get it. But please, don’t let this be the reason you stay with someone you don’t want to be with. If leaving them is what you want and what’ll make you happy, then by all means, to hell with what people are going to say. It’ll be uncomfortable at first, but it’ll get easier with time and you’ll at least be happy with your decision.


You don’t want to start over with someone else

To the ‘lazies’ out there, please stop. I understand that you might now feel comfortable with your partner because they know everything about you, understand you and there’s so much history between you. That could make you feel like it’s just easier to stay with them than to start all over with someone who doesn’t know you, but that’s not enough. So many other factors need to be present for you to stay in the relationship. If it has become just a matter of habit or comfort, it’s time to let go. If you’re not happy or in love with them anymore, familiarity shouldn’t make you stay.