Mohamed Henedy

By Hadjer El-Sharkawi

If you’ve been to any of the movie theatres lately, you’ve definitely come across Mohamed Henedy’s new comedy “El Ens W El Nems“. This movie’s definitely one that has been getting a lot of reviews. But no one’s quite sure what the verdict is on whether or not the movie is a hit. Some say the movie’s extremely funny and worth the watch while others claim it’s full of bad humor.

Well, we’ve seen it and we’re here to give you the final verdict.

This supernatural comedy is about a man who lived a normal life before having met a supernatural character from the underworld who makes him fall in love with her. Her family lures the man in to plan their marriage in order to get their daughter pregnant with the human’s kid then kill him.

Even though the plot had potential, the events in the movie felt very random and out of place. 

The movie sure was a tough call, but we felt like the movie wasn’t really our cup of tea. We didn’t like it as much as we thought we would because of several reasons. One of the top ones is that it was extremely long. A two-and-a-half-hour-long comedy felt a little overstretched. It felt a little tedious because of the fact that the movie itself didn’t really have that much of a plot. 

Despite having an entirely humorous theme and some funny jokes spread throughout, going into the movie, we had higher expectations for the quality of the humor present. We mean come on, it’s the great Mohamed Henedy. At times, it felt like jokes were used as fillers that made up most of the movie’s time frame. 

On a more critical note, the graphics didn’t quite serve their desired purpose. Even though some graphic tools used creatively, it just felt like they weren’t used efficiently. The overall quality of the graphics made the movie come off as less than intended.  

Having said all that, we can’t deny the fact that the movie had some positive aspects as well. The choice of actors was brilliant! The cast consisted of actors who were quite fit for their characters; this complimented the story line very well. The other thing that caught our attention was the choice of attire throughout the movie. The actors were all dressed to fit their roles, which made the most fictional aspects of their characters seem as believable as they could be. 

When it came to the décor, we were extremely fascinated by it! The furniture, lighting, walls, color scheme and everything else in between served as great aids to the plot of the movie and made the events way more interesting. 

So, if you ask us where we stand on this whole good or bad movie fiasco, we’d say the movie wasn’t a horrendous one that we absolutely regret seeing. However, when it came to a Mohamed Henedy movie, we expected much more of him!

Being the extremely talented actor that he is, we thought we were going to laugh a lot more than we actually did. Afterall, some say the movie was great and knocked them off their seats. So, if you’re looking for a movie that’s somewhat lighthearted and would give you a couple of laughs along the way, then go get your ticket! 

If you’ve seen the movie or are planning on seeing it, let us know your thoughts in the comments section!