The celebratory spirit fills the air, and while our favorite Ramadan series may be over or about to end, their characters will remain etched in our minds -at least for a while. But what happens after the final episode airs? Do you ever think about how these characters could possibly celebrate Eid al-Fitr? Let’s imagine how these Ramadan characters will spend their Eid vacation!

Araby – “Ashghal Sha2a”: Accidentally Ruining Eid Celebrations for Hamdy and Yasmin:
Did it once, could do it again. Though Araby undoubtedly has good intentions, we can totally see him ruining the celebration for Hamdy and Yasmin- maybe by accidentally sending something wrong for them instead of Eidya.

Nesma – “A3la Nesbet Moshahda”: Stocking Up on Her TikToks:
Nesma can preach and go on about how much she changed, but seeing how her characters behaved during the last episode, we know she’s out there somewhere stocking up on her TikToks for more views and money.

Mokhtar – “Embratoryet Meem”: On a Family Vacation to Rebond:
We honestly feel like their issue was always about communication. So after everything, the Abo El Magds have been through, we see them on a long Eid vacation rebuilding bridges and bonds while also having fun.

Yomna – “Lahzet Ghadab”: Trying Out a New Recipe at Home:
Having reclaimed her freedom and sense of independence and individuality, Yomna will chill and have a lowkey vacation during Eid. She’d like to spend it on her own while trying out new things like a brand new recipe at home or exploring herself more.

Noor – “Khaled Noor W Walado Noor Khaled”: Spending the Eid Vacation at His Parents’:
Noor is many things but independent, for reasons we know, he’d unironically LOVE to be part of Eid family gatherings and will spend his vacation doing the rounds and visiting family members.

Now it’s time for you to step in with your imagination- how do you think these characters would spend their Eid?