By Amr Moussa

After any breakup, usually everyone around miraculously turns into some kind of relationship expert even though they might have never been in a serious relationship themselves. Some of them will encourage you to view the full half of the glass and celebrate the positive impact of this breakup on your life. Conversely, others will advise you to focus on the empty half of the glass and learn from your mistakes while all you really want to do is smash the glass into their faces because you’ve had it!

First of all, you must acknowledge your faults. Unlike what you religiously believed in back then, your choices may not have been the most favourable ones. Sometimes, we happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time but, in life, people cross our paths for a reason.

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Secondly, remember all the good times you had together and cherish them as memories that made you who you are today, rather than regrets. Remember the first surprise party that you prepared for your partner just to draw a smile on their face. No matter if the day was successful or it ended up with failure, your intention counts! Maybe with this experience, at least you can become an event planner or something!

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Also remember the nights you spent texting your partner until you fell asleep because you were just too tired. Admit it; you had fun having these late night conversations that were full of confessions and emotions. If you didn’t enjoy these conversations, you would’ve been asleep instead. I’m sorry to tell you that all you have right now is the chat history and your bed, but not everything is meant to last forever.
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After you reminisce, do you now realize that you’re completely free! That doesn’t mean love is a prison. But now after being all alone, you’ll figure out that you’re free to do anything. You’re the only mastermind of things you’re willing to do. No one will ask you what you are doing, where you are, who you are with. There are no burdens anymore.

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Now you have to admit that you’re all alone and there’s nothing wrong about that. You have had an experience and you’re of course going to benefit from that in a way, no matter how devastated you feel at first. You now know what to do and what to avoid in your future relationship. This is not the end of the world. Try as much as you can to be busy to stop thinking about it. And stop listening to songs that make your life terrible already!