In the dynamic world of social media, where influencers hold significant power, a concerning trend has emerged — women tearing each other down for spiteful reasons. A few influencers have been throwing shade at each other on their social media platforms regarding some brand deals.

This behavior is not only toxic, but it’s very disappointing to see in this day and age that women influencers are still targeting each other and are setting a bad example and sending a negative message to their audience specifically female ones. It’s time to acknowledge that such actions are not cool and should no longer be tolerated in the influencer industry.

Let’s get one thing straight – bullying should never be an option. Whether it’s happening face to face or on social media, it’s just not good energy. And throwing shade? Well, that’s just a fancy way of saying “Let’s make everything awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved.”

In a society where women are still fighting for a fair place, it’s unfortunate to see them create negative narratives about their own gender. The influencer industry has the potential to be a force for good, inspiring positive change and empowering women to embrace their uniqueness. However spreading juvenile messages destroys the progress of women supporting each other, whether through bullying, jealousy, or comparisons to each other.

Women in the influencer industry should shift their focus from tearing each other down to building each other up. Whether through collaborations with each other, brand deals, or shared successes that can create a positive atmosphere; promoting unity and breaking down the barriers that refrain from a toxic environment.