‘We Bena Ma3ad’ continues to shed light on sensitive yet critical issues that many face daily. Workplace harassment is a painful experience that unfortunately many women have to deal with. In some cases, women may lose control over the situation and struggle to find the politically correct way to handle it. Here are four things we believe women should do to prevent and resolve harassment at the office:

Pay Attention to the Signs

Be super vigilant for any suspicious behavior from the person you feel uncomfortable around. Harassment signs are clearcut and rarely carry a double meaning, so trust your instincts from the very beginning and prioritize your safety.

Try to Seek Witnesses and Support

Try to seek your colleagues’ help and ask them to be your witnesses in your case against the harasser when it’s time to raise the incident to higher management and file an official complaint. Their emotional support is also crucial and will help keep you on track in asserting your rights. 

Don’t Hesitate to Report to HR

It’s a common misconception that officially reporting a harassment incident at work won’t be taken seriously. And unfortunately, that may be the case if the workplace does not have a professional and healthy work culture. However, that doesn’t mean that reporting the incident and defending your rights is useless. It definitely isn’t. So don’t hesitate for a moment to report directly to your HR representative. Taking quick and firm action is crucial in addressing the issue and ensuring a safe work environment for everyone.

Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About It

There’s always a worry that nothing will change or a concern about possible victim blaming. However, don’t let these negative thoughts affect your decision. Be proactive and speak up, not only for your sake but also to raise awareness and avoid this happening to other female colleagues in the future.

What other steps do you feel should be taken while dealing with workplace harassment? Share your thoughts in the comments below!