Dudes, having a dilemma of what to be this Halloween? Or are you the kind of person who always leaves things to the last minute then ends up panicking? Well, whichever it is, problem solved. If you were planning on wasting a lot of money on an expensive costume, think again. We’ve got you covered with these 14 easy Halloween costume ideas that won’t break the bank. Happy Halloween fellas! 

1- Walter White


Surely, no one’s off the Breaking Bad bandwagon, so everyone’s gonna recognize this costume immediately. Although the most iconic wardrobe belongs to Walter White’s alter ego, Heisenberg, this costume is fairly popular as well. It’s also easy to assemble and it probably won’t require you to buy anything. If you don’t wear these kind of socks, I bet you’ll find one (or many) tucked in your dad’s socks drawer.

What you’ll need: Green button-down shirt, tighty-whities and glasses. Oh, also, a gun and blue crystal methamphetamine. You can learn how to make your own at SugarHero (you all know that blue meth doesn’t really exist, right?)

2- Alex DeLarge

A Clockwork Orange Halloween Costume

Everyday something new goes viral, but it’s always the oldies that remain goodies. The famous droog costume is a pop culture icon and it just so happens that it’s easy to recreate. Just make sure you adjust your attitude to match your attire and maybe learn the movie’s slang to help you get in character! Appy polly loggies!

What you’ll need: The bowler hat, white suspenders, white pants, black boots, codpiece (the hardest piece to obtain), a cane (but you can do without it), fake eyelashes, a blonde wig and eyeball cuffs. If you need help acquiring any of the pieces, click here.

3- Patrick Bateman 

American Psycho

A wealthy investment banker? Check. The kind of money that lets you dine in fancy restaurants night after the other? Check. Leading a double life? Check. A serial killer? Check. Be the outrageously psycho Patrick Bateman for Halloween this year. Maybe add your own touch and be an Egyptian psycho instead. Get creative!

What you’ll need: A suit, pint of fake blood, red silk dot pattern tie, a fancy watch, an axe and maybe a raincoat. You’ll also need to print yourself a card! You are a narcissist after all.

4- Angel 


Angel is the “Heathcliff for the turn-of-the-millennium”; brooding, stoic, emotionally unavailable and intellectual, but with a twist of a tortured soul! It doesn’t get more complex than this.

What you’ll need: Vampire teeth, vampire accessories, a long black leather coat, black combat boots, black pants and a black shirt or a navy button up shirt. And if you want to stray away from the norm vamp teeth, you could go for the glow in the dark vampire teeth instead.

5- Basically anyone from The Big Bang Theorybig bang theory costumes

Maybe deep down you feel like a geek but you try not to show it, or maybe you’re a geek and proud to be one! Alas, this Halloween, you can go all the way and be one of the geekiest coolest geeks in our modern world.

For Rajesh, you’ll need: A sweater jacket with pull up zipper, baggy cargo pants, patterned sweater (and preferably one that doesn’t match the jacket), Vans and sideburns with bangs swept to the side (though not necessarily, if everything else is done right).

For Sheldon, you’ll need: A graphic t-shirt (the Flash, green lantern, etc.), brown lace-up shoes, a long sleeve patterned t-shirt beneath the graphic t-shirt and brown pants.

For Howard, you’ll need: A turtleneck, brightly colored tight pants and button-up shirt and an over-sized belt buckle.

For Leonard, you’ll need: Dark jeans, Converse, glasses, a khaki jacket, any T-shirt and a hoodie with the hood draped over the outside of the jacket.

6- Gru 

Gru Costume

Transform yourself into Despicable Me’s villain-turned-hero and save the day!

What you’ll need: A bald cap (or go for it and shave your head), eyebrow pencil, black boots, black slim pants, black and white striped scarf and a seamed jacket.

7- Where’s Waldo 


This one’s included in the girl’s list, but that’s one of the beauties of this costume! It is not subjected to a specific gender. So you could recruit a girlfriend to dress the same and have people ask “Where’s the Waldo’s?” for a change.

What you’ll need: A red and white striped long sleeved shirt, jeans, thick black framed glasses and a red and white beanie.

8- Chucky 


Easily one of the most recognizable horror icons (and for good reason)! If you’re a 90’s kid, then surely you must blame all your paranoia on this good guy over here. Who of us hasn’t contemplated the possibility that our dolls/action figures are actually serial killers?

What you’ll need: Overalls (you could even sew a Good Guy badge on the front), a knife, sneakers, a red wig, a long sleeve striped shirt and somebody to do your makeup if you couldn’t find the Chucky mask.

9- Error 404 


This one for all the lazies out there! Don’t fret! You can be creative too!

What you’ll need: A marker and a chilling attitude like this guy!

10- Jack Skellington 



This costume is perfect for Halloween AND Christmas! It has the best of both worlds! You can bring Tim Burton’s surreal fantasy to life in this stupefying attire and be the king of Halloween Town!

What you’ll need: Black long-sleeved tee, Ascot tie or a bowtie , classic shoes, pinstripe jacket, black pants and white fabric paint. Click here if you need more help on how to perfect this ensemble.

11- Identity Thief

identify thief costume

Feelin’ like you don’t want to invest too much into your costume this year? This one’s perfect for you.

What you’ll need: A black hoodie, a plethora of name tags, a marker and an attitude to go with it!

12- Vincent Van Gogh


Channel your inner artist, but don’t cut off your ear. Just because Halloween is a scary holiday doesn’t mean you need to go there! But do eat yellow paint and engulf yourself in happiness. Pay homage to one of the greatest artists and impress all the ghouls, vampires and ghosts with an attire worthy of admiration!

What you’ll need: Straw hat with black band, sunflowers, blue sweater, white collarless shirt, a canvas, some paint and brushes, a pipe and a red beard (but you can do without and paint your face instead as illustrated in the image above).

13- Mr. Bean  

mr bean costume

Travel back in time and embody the childish, self-centered buffoon who turned everyday’s simplest tasks into catastrophic disasters! Don’t forget to bring your best friend Teddy along with you.

What you’ll need: Brown Tweed jacket, Leather elbow patches, red necktie with blue dot print (or just a simple red tie), brown pants, cotton dress socks, dress shoes, a teddy bear and if you’re a perfectionist, a calculator watch.

14- Facebook

Facebook Costume

I will end with the simplest of them all. Facebook! It’s easy, it’s snappy and has a pun.

What you’ll need: I don’t think I need to explain this.