5 Egyptian Musical Collaborations That NEED To Happen Now

Let’s not beat around the bush here, we all know what you’re here for. You’re here because you’ve been listening to the same seven songs on repeat and you can’t find a way out. It’s not that there isn’t any good music out there, but it’s just that there’s something missing from all the new music.

If you’re wondering what is that ‘something’, we’ll tell you now. It’s that “wow, I never knew I needed this” factor, simply put.

You just want music that will make you transcend and, well, we have about 5 collabs that will give us that very feeling if they ever happen.

Angham and Sherine Abdelwahab

Yes, it’s the battle of those two voices and we’re hoping one of them reads this and makes it a reality. Can you take a moment to imagine the instrumentals, the lyrics, the sheer ballad quality of it all?

And, by the way, we all know if those two get in one song it’ll make one hell of a karaoke pick.

Mohamed Mounir and Wegz

and Wegz would definitely have more fun than he did with Hossam Hosny. Just saying.

Okay, make all the jokes you want but if a Mounir track ever comes out with a “ft. Wegz” title, we’ll collectively lose it and we all know it. It’s going to sound weird, fun, and very “afternoon nap”-y but it’s going to be high-key amazing too.

Tamer Hosny and Amal Maher

If this collaboration ever happens, it’ll be the ‘he said, she said’ anthem of our dreams. Think about it. Two powerhouse vocalists in the biggest breakup (that’s just how we see it) ballad of the century — it will get a lot of plays, that’s for sure.

Cairokee and Dina El-Wedidi

The pop-indie track of our dreams will be all we play once we get our hands on it. And honestly, the fact that we could, hypothetically, get a lyrically superior track from these two parties doesn’t seem too far-fetched or anything. Someone just get Mr. Amir Eid on the phone.

Ruby and Abuysif

Okay, maybe we just want the Egyptian take on Love the Way You Lie (what, didn’t cross your mind?), but can you blame us?

We’ve all been waiting on a Ruby musical comeback and Abuysif kills his collabs. It’s a matter of time, hopefully.

What is one collaboration you never knew you needed? Tell us.