As the Ramadan season draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the lessons we learned from the characters that have graced our screens during this holy month. From Mukhtar’s commitment to keeping history alive to Ali’s comfort in seeking newfound friendships, each character has left a mark with their invaluable wisdom and insight.

Mukhtar – Quality Overpowers Quantity
Mukhtar’s adamant rejection of the real estate developer’s offer reminds us that true value lies in family ties, human connections and memories, and that money cannot buy everything. Turning down a quarter-billion pound deal for his home serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing what truly matters.

Youmna – Don’t Underestimate the Quiet Ones:
Youmna proved that appearances can be deceiving. Despite being perceived as weak and naive, she repeatedly outsmarted those around her regardless of the aftermath, showcasing the power of underestimation.

Shayma – It’s Okay to be Selfish Sometimes:
Shayma teaches us the importance of self-care, even if it means being selfish at times. Despite providing tirelessly for her family, she refuses to settle for anything less than she deserves, reminding us that it’s okay to prioritize our own well-being.

Amina – People are Capable of Good Change:
Amina’s journey from a self-obsessed influencer to a person capable of huge change demonstrates the goodness within people. Her trials and errors serve as an example of how people can learn from their mistakes and grow from them.

Ali – Newfound Friendships Can Have Deeper Connections
Ali’s realization that newfound friendships can evolve into deeper connections highlights the importance of embracing change and opening ourselves up to new friendships. His initial resistance to Hussein as his brother ultimately grew into a special bond, only to prove that sometimes even the people whom you’ve known for only a short time can become a huge part of your life.

Which Ramadan character was your favorite this year? Tell us in the comments!