No matter how old, classy, or healthy you are, if you’re Egyptian, you probably love Kebdet El-Brince more than your own self. Sadly, earlier this year many claimed that they cook with rotten donkeys meat.  This led to getting the police involved, the place shut down, and the restaurant’s owner Naser El-Brince imprisoned.

It was a huge blow to fans because the restaurant is safe to say the most classical Egyptian restaurant that has customers from all walks of life and nationalities visiting its location in Imbaba. Many Egyptian celebrities are known to be regulars to the place, including Adel Imam as well as Egypt’s most controversial man, Mortada Mansour.

Even though it is so popular, it has always been surrounded by rumors. Rumors of the rotten meat used by the place had been going on for years, and the place got shut down by the ministry of health for inspections before. However, nothing had been confirmed till this year. Many claimed that Naser had always been using rotten meat, but had been paying to get away with it, while others say it’s a hoax because he wasn’t actually paying anything.


Surprisingly, on the 9th of September, it was announced that Naser and the chef of the restaurant were set free after being in jail for months. And a few days after, they announced that the restaurant will be back and running starting next Saturday, the 26th of September.


No official government announcement happened claiming why the restaurant was shut, and why it’s back up. We however, are truly excited cause we’re getting our favorite spot in Cairo back, and only hoping we’re eating edible meat.