Disclaimer: The video is out there, but we won’t help in spreading it since the child’s face can be easily identified.

Last night, this Twitter thread exposed a horrifying incident that we still can’t fully fathom. This man, caught by his side-profile in the footage, is accused of coercing a kid (a vendor) on the Russian night-train to perform sexual activity. As the tweet explains, the crying boy kept trying to break free for ten minutes straight but the man’s grip made that impossible!

المعتصم بالله 𓋔 on Twitter: “(1) انا اسف اذا كنت جايبلكم موضوع مُقرف ممكن يقفل يوم جزء كبير منكمبس الموضوع مش مُنتشر خالص وانا خايف يمر مرور الكرام الخرتيت ال في الصوره دا , كان حاطط طفل تحت جلابيته وبيخليه يعملو بلوجوبوفي نهاية الفديو الواد بيعيط راح ماسكو من شعره ووشه زي ما ظاهر ف الصوره التانيه كدا pic.twitter.com/pIjAO0xFIc / Twitter”

(1) انا اسف اذا كنت جايبلكم موضوع مُقرف ممكن يقفل يوم جزء كبير منكمبس الموضوع مش مُنتشر خالص وانا خايف يمر مرور الكرام الخرتيت ال في الصوره دا , كان حاطط طفل تحت جلابيته وبيخليه يعملو بلوجوبوفي نهاية الفديو الواد بيعيط راح ماسكو من شعره ووشه زي ما ظاهر ف الصوره التانيه كدا pic.twitter.com/pIjAO0xFIc

“Why wasn’t the criminal stopped by the person who took the video”?

We asked the same question. According to the sources, the person who took the video is a actually a girl who was worried she would be subjected to violence in case she took any action. Also, as the video shows, the atmosphere on that specific train was pretty calm that no one even noticed.

But still, we think this is the least of our problems here. Where are the surveillance cameras? We’re pretty sure there aren’t any. What’s a kid, most probably under the age of 10, doing on a night train for creeps to put him in harm’s way in the first place?

We have so many problems at hand here. Problems we’ve been screaming at the top of our lungs about for years. And especially, trains and railway technical and humanitarian issues. How about on the ground action? Any day now? A wave of anger sparked on social media and everyone started using the hashtag #مغتصب_القطار_الروسي to get the news to the right people.

It is reported that the guy was caught by the police and an investigation is now underway. We are strong believers in the Egyptian legal system; we are certain this criminal will pay dearly for his monstrous actions. As for the victim, we really hope he’ll be at least compensated in therapy and any healing way possible.