On Valentine’s Day, some of the single peeps out there can be feeling a little lonelier. But some times, we can get it mixed up. Alone and lonely. You might feel like you’re alone seeing social media all covered in love celebrations and cute couples.

While everyone’s allowed to celebrate any kind of love on this day, you’re also allowed to feel whatever you’re feeling. Be it happy or sad thoughts. It’s totally valid. More importantly, you have to be mindful of your emotions.

Alone and lonely are two of the most misused words, they can get mixed up pretty easily. They have very different and obvious meanings, literally. However, they can feel very similar.

More than 7 billion persons on our planet and we can still feel lonely, yeah, we apparently can.

But the thing is that no matter what, we can’t ever be alone, unless we’re on our own, with no people around.

We always tend to think that we go through things alone, which most times turns out to be completely false as soon as we get our thoughts, questions, or experiences out in the world.

When we find others relating to our stories, only then we know that we’re not alone and consequently, we don’t feel lonely anymore.

If only we give it a thought before fully announcing we’re alone or lonely, maybe we wouldn’t be anymore.

We mean how many people out of the 7 billion are going through a breakup right now? How many people are heartbroken? How many people are saying their first I love you s?

Have you ever actually thought how many persons misheard a song lyric just the same as you did? The question here is: Are we ever really alone?

The answer, simply, is: How can we ever be alone if we exist among 7 billion other people? In other words, no. Having that answered, we couldn’t help but wonder: Then why do we feel lonely?

Long before being a trend, but in fact, everyone is the main character in the story of their lives. So yes, you do give off main character energy. Other people that exist in our lives are just sweet and much needed cross-overs.

We only feel lonely because to ourselves, the universe revolves around us, which is not utterly true.

Our lives revolve around us but not the universe, we are just a teeny tiny part of the whole universe. We need to be more mindful, for our own good.

We need to get out of our heads, take a step back and zoom out to really see the bigger picture of the universe.

Only then we’d realize that we exist among 7 other billion persons at the same time on the same planet; so we’d consequently comprehend that we’re never really alone in the universe so we shouldn’t ever feel lonely.

We should always remember that there are people who are going through the same things as we are and that there are people who will guest-star in our lives just to be there for us, the main characters.

So maybe Alone and Lonely are not completely different from each other in meaning as we previously assumed, maybe they should go hand in hand like a cause and a conclusion, or maybe they are related like cousins.

So while you might feel extra lonely today -which is okay-, know that you are never alone…and celebrate YOU. The main character. It’s called self-love for a reason.