Most of the time, we’re either caught up in our heads or too busy trying to figure people out. And we’re color-coding characteristics into green, red, and God knows what else. Though awareness is nice, and we’re all getting better at understanding people, we tend to forget about our own reflection in the mirror. Have you picked out the good and bad in you, or are you hyper-fixating solely on one side? Let’s take a look deep down inside, face the music, and get to know the ugly parts of ourselves, as well.

Here are five red flags we can find in ourselves. That doesn’t necessarily indicate that you’re mean, or toxic; you can be hurting yourself the most.

You Vs. You:
Constantly talking down to yourself? Yeah, that’s a red flag, buddy. Self-deprecating shouldn’t be the norm, and neither should putting ourselves down. We’re humans after all. The unrealistic expectations we put for ourselves are usually met by harsh self-treatment when we fail to meet them.

Self-worth built on other’s opinions:
A mistake we usually fall for is validation. It feels so good until it doesn’t. You’ll wake up one day feeling unsatisfied with all the good opinions about you but fall shattered by a negative one. That’s not the way it works. We should be our own judges, but not too cruel though.

Oh, yes, it is a red flag. We try to justify it like we don’t have the energy or are too depressed. Though they’re legit in some cases, in others, they’re not. Having the courage to solve conflicts and communicate is the character development we want.

Scrolling on Social Media:
You’re probably doing it now. It’s okay; we’ve been there and maybe still are. But social media does consume a lot of your time. When for your sake, you should spend your time wisely. No anxiety is needed here; it’s just a hard-to-swallow pill.

Unresolved Issues:
Being hung up on one-sided relationships or the closure you didn’t get out of that toxic friendship isn’t doing you any good. Moving on is easier said than done. But sometimes you don’t need closure except to choose yourself over their explanation.

What are other red flags did you find in yourself?