People are complicated yet simple creatures. One action can drive them crazy, and another can calm them down and make them happy just like that.

To brighten someone’s day positively, you don’t need to go above and beyond and do extravagant stuff. You can just be nice!
  1. Smile at people’s faces.
  2. Leave a thank you note to the waiter on the back of the receipt.
  3. Greet people when you walk in.
  4. Hold the door open for someone.
  5. Compliment a stranger.
  6. Let someone go in front of you in the line.
  7. Leave “I love you” note to your parents/siblings/partner.
  8. Offer your seat for someone who has been standing for a while; a pregnant lady or an elderly one.
  9. Bring a box of donuts to your coworkers.
  10. Help someone who is struggling with their bags.
  11. Help someone park their car.
  12. Tell someone how they inspired you.
  13. Thank the person who prompted the door open for you.
  14. Keep the child in the car in front of you entertained.
  15. Send flowers to your mom/dad for no reason.
  16. Bake a dessert for your neighbor.
  17. Get in touch with someone you lost contact with.
  18. Listen to listen, not to reply.
  19. Tell someone the good things you heard about them.
  20. Plan a surprise date. It can be movie night with popcorn at home!

To make someone’s day a little better, it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. There are so many other ways to make someone’s day, and maybe what you perceive as nothing can make not only their day, but their entire week. As it’s said in the movie Frozen: “only an act of love can thaw a frozen heart.” and we all know that “some people are worth melting for.”