Last week, Egyptian Marketeer Eyad Nour raised attention to the phenomenon that anyone who typed the word “Google” into the search engine from an Egyptian IP address saw the business page of Egyptian Repairman Mr. Saber El-Toony listed first.

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First. Before Google. Not like, right after Google. First. One would think that nothing is more Google than Google. But he was listed first. This could lead to some serious identity crisis’ with the world dominating search engine.


The best part is, Mr. Saber was completely unaware that his page was working its way up to 4 million views when the issue was first brought to light, who knows how many it has by now!

After his initial shock and confusion at how this small business repairman could have possibly accomplished this amazing feat of SEO ranking on the internet, Mr. Eyad Nour decided to call him. Here is a snippet of the conversation from Mr. Eyad’s blog, which Mr. Eyad seemed to find quite humorous and bewildering:

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After the initial discovery, Google and SEO experts have been very, very busy. Google, of course, wants to claim back its identity. The experts want to know how this small business owner broke all the rules and became so popular just through organic reach. It must be really frustrating to all those big companies, and all companies really, who spend so much time and money trying to get their name out there just to be beat by an Egyptian HVAC Technician.

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Without getting into all of the technical mumbo jumbo we don’t really care about, the simple conclusion is this: The repairman down the street just broke Google. A repairman from the “mother of the world” become the “mother company of Google” without him or Google knowing about their new relationship.


Alif mabrouk ya Mr. Saber.