For the people who want to take a break from Egypt-centric Ramadan TV shows, Identity put together a list of movies that we believe accurately illustrate what it’s really like to live as a woman. Some of these movies can be controversial or depressing, but do bear with us, they’re absolutely exemplary.

1.Girl, Interrupted

Best Female Movies

“How many guys would a girl have to sleep with to be considered promiscuous? Three, four, ten? How many girls would a guy have to sleep with? Fifteen? Forty? A hundred and nine?”

This movie just had to top our list. It follows the plot of a teenage American girl’s experience in a psychiatric hospital. It offers insights on how the medical and the general population view femininity in the contexts of abnormality or mental illness.


2.Gone Girl

Best Female Movies

“Nick dunne took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. He took and took from me until I no longer existed. That’s murder.”

Aaand David Fincher strikes again! This masterpiece storyline gave rise to an out-of-the-blue ending. The story is based on the revolutionary Gillian Flynn novel of a missing wife who went as far as planning her own murder.


3.The Virgin Suicides

Best Female Movies

“What lingered after them was not life, but the most trivial list of mundane facts: a clock ticking on a wall, a room dim at noon, and the outrageousness of a human being thinking only of herself.”

The Virgin Suicides is a group of teenage boys’ account of the personalities and lives of 5 sisters who are battling depression and suicide as they’re being overshadowed by strict parents,. This is a meticulous portrayal of the “little things” one has to go through as a woman everyday.


4.Easy A

Best Female Movies

“I might even lose my virginity to him. I don’t know when it will happen. You know, maybe in five minutes, or tonight, or six months from now, or maybe on the night of our wedding. But the really amazing thing is, it is nobody’s goddamn business.”

Next up is Easy A; this lifelike drama comedy is spot on about how society treats women with regards to their sexuality on daily basis. Olive, played by the adroit Emma Stone, gains a reputation as the school adulteress and harlot, for things she didn’t remotely do. And it all started with a lie to keep a gay friend’s “beard”…



Best Female Movies

Sometimes I dream the tree, and the tree is my life. One branch is the man I shall marry, and the leaves my children. Another branch is my future as a writer, and each leaf is a poem. Another branch is a good academic career. But as I sit there trying to choose, the leaves bring to turn brown and blow away, until the tree is absolutely bare.”

Sylvia, our feminist lord and savior! This 21st century drama depicts the 20th century-based life of poet and novelist Sylvia Plath. Regardless of whether you personally like Sylvia or not, her story, very unambiguously and poetically, evokes the essence of living as a female in oppressive surroundings.
