To create successful art, there are many contributing factors to consider. If we’re talking movies or series, post-production does the trick of elevating raw material into something iconic. What can be easily overlooked are soundtracks and sound engineering. People get mesmerized by the cinematography and coloring in many productions -like this season’s Ramadan series. But soundtracks and sound mixing can make or break a production. Unfortunately, this Ramadan -unlike the usual- witnessed more than one series with sound issues that needed to be fixed. Here are some of them!

Apart from everything else in the series, we can’t get what Mohamed Mamdouh or Riham Abdel Ghafour is saying. There was one scene where both of them were quarreling, and it didn’t sound clean enough to figure out what they were telling each other until Riham yelled mid-argument, and that was the only sentence we heard from an entire scene. We love watching Rasheed, but sound quality could’ve been better.

Gaafar El 3omda:
Over the last few years, no one ever complained on social media that we don’t understand a word from Mohamed Ramadan. But in Gaafar El 3omda, the background music is too loud while Mohamed Ramadan uses his lower register and whispers most of the time while adopting an accent for the character. It was near impossible to hear him, and he had us asking each other about what he said every minute during the episode.

Darb Nar:
It seems like once they focus on one aspect of the audio tracks used for the series, they automatically drop the others. We can perfectly hear what the characters are saying, but they could’ve used more background music. It feels like it’s added in irrelevant or unnecessary places in the episode.

El Aghar:
Same thing goes for El Aghar. This series’ production budget must have been huge. And so, it makes no sense that some distorted parts of the audio track exist, affecting the watching experience of the show.

We know that music and audio engineering aren’t easy. We’re in no way invalidating the tons of effort put into the shows. But did you experience the same thing? What other series could’ve used a better soundtrack and audio engineering?