Imposter Syndrome
source: El-Basha Telmeez

We’ve all had those moments, you know. Those excruciatingly bad moments when we just feel like something’s not right and we don’t even know what it is.

On the surface, everything is great and going well, but you just feel like, well, you don’t deserve that much success. Guess what? You don’t have to worry about feeling strange–that’s just your Imposter Syndrome talking.

So, What’s The Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is basically this feeling that you’re a fraud. Well, it’s not really a feeling rather than a menacing voice screaming to you (inside your own head) that you’re unworthy.

You might think this is it, but you’d be wrong, actually. Imposter Syndrome is every time you felt like you didn’t really do anything, even though you did.

You did it all–well, not all–and you still feel like you have no idea what you’re doing.


You may have gotten a nice compliment on your work or even a promotion or anything of the sort. You may have had an interview and aced it but came out a giant ball of stress and nerves. You may be in a room where you have experience but don’t really give a hint of an opinion.

When asked, you’ll revert to saying things like “oh, I just got lucky“, “they wanted a lot of people“, “no, the others know better“. Anything to indicate that this wasn’t your effort because you don’t think you’re good enough for that.

You just know that at any given second, someone will find out you have zero idea of what you’re doing. That you’re a fraud.

Are You An “Imposter”?

People suffering from this syndrome don’t even have to be alike. Luckily for us, debilitating fears come in so many shapes and sizes!

You can be a perfectionist or the kind of person who likes to go all Hulk and carry any important project on your own.

You can even be the natural-born kind of genius used to understanding things without trying but now struggles with a simple equation. All kinds more than common enough in our lives, all throughout school and college and work.

in disguise

This syndrome breeds in people many nerve-wracking things like perfectionism, fear of failure, stress, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence.

Psychologists did begin with pinpointing out Imposter Syndrome as something women suffer from, which makes sense, considering all the circumstances.

That doesn’t mean the syndrome checks your gender before entering your life. It actually affects us all.

Wait, Why Do I Even Feel Like This?

Usually, people who have this syndrome aren’t all that different from others.

They feel like they don’t have all the skills that everyone else possesses, or they just feel the pressure to achieve or perform exceptionally well.

Sometimes, it goes back to the parents. We all know how Egyptians are with their loving praise–basically stoic and unyielding.

They don’t want you to think like them, they want you to be them. Add all of this to the mixed signals and the brutal criticism and you’ve got yourself a person with way too many issues, as is.

Sometimes, it only has to do with the standards you put on yourself.

We live in an environment where we see too much of the good and rarely any of the bad, so naturally we may be inclined to strive to being just as perfect as the news and images we hear. Of course, we know this is virtually impossible, but we keep on trying.

Whichever reason , you shouldn’t let it go unchecked.

Combating Self-Sabotage

Getting around Imposter Syndrome might seem easy at first and to many, it is. For those who feel inadequate, though, you’re going to need to muster as much courage as possible to try these methods.

You can try to put everything in a different perspective. Try to think about everyone else. Those who don’t think they’re imposters are doing fine, without any of your self-restraints.

Another thing you could try is accept that you’re actually capable of doing things. Every single one of your successes don’t always come back to luck. Sometimes, that’s just you.

If you think that’s hard, just try to think about it like accepting compliments. It becomes less nerve-wracking with practice. Don’t be afraid of this. Everyone is allowed to self-praise at some point.

These are just two methods, sure, but there are a lot of resources to help you get around this syndrome to move on with your life, professional and otherwise.

Elizabeth Cox: What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it?

Even after writing eleven books and winning several awards, Maya Angelou couldn’t escape the doubt that she hadn’t earned her accomplishments. This feeling of fraudulence is extremely common. Why can’t so many of us shake feelings that our ideas and skills aren’t worthy of others’ attention?

Life is never complete without a degree of fear. When this fear becomes hindering, though, it’s time to reassess. Don’t judge yourself too hard.