Now, you are totally convinced that nothing in the world can make you feel better!

Depression is a wild sneaky animal with long claws; it will break down all your defenses, and enclose your throat until you can’t find you breath. Maybe you got fired, had a break up, lost someone dear, got divorced…. Also maybe it is a signpost, signaling “It’s time for a change.”

Well, it’s never too late to have fun. If you’ve had enough of this life, the following 7 activities will help you beat your anxiety or depression and channel them into a more positive way:

1. Drama Therapy

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Drama therapy is the willful use of drama and/or theater exercises to achieve health-giving goals. It is a way to bring out all of your anxiety to the table, by telling stories, setting goals and solving problems.

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It’s available in Egypt; check the link below:

2. Adult Coloring Book


A little coloring psychology may be just what you need to create soothing and productive moods. The time and focus that coloring takes will help you remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and redirect them to a safe and positively soothing channel.

Available in Virgin, Diwan, Shorouk & Alef.

3. Dancing Classes


Dance, movement and expressions should be the companions of your soul as long as you live. Dancing goes back to ancient times; body movements accompanied by music were thought to possess powers. It actually does; it improves the mental and physical well- being of a person. When you’re healthy, you’re happy.

4. Yoga


Yoga and meditation practice show you how to access the strength and power of your inner self for a support system that keeps you going through all the ups and downs of your life.

5. Travelling


This one is the oldest in the book, but still one of the most effective ways to beat depression. Sometimes, the depression is the result of your soul being thirsty for adventure. Travelling can be the remedy to your depression.

6. Write


What did JK Rowling do when she was depressed and broke? She started writing, and now Harry Potter made her one of the richest writers of all time. Type down your thoughts about upsetting events in your life, or write about the life that you wish you can have. Write about anything. When you see your thoughts alive on paper, you can change and play with them as much as you wish. It helps you heal.

7. Own A Pet


If you’ve ever possessed a pet, you already know how much fun, love and affection they can bring. But did you know that pets also come with some pretty powerful mental and physical health benefits? Dogs in particular can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness. Go now and save a life; it will definitely help you save yours.