Ever been curious what it feels like to be an Aquarius? Master these 8 traits and everyone will take you for an Aquarius-born:

  1. Put On a Poker Face When You’re Angry

They like to keep their emotions in check and this means that others do not readily know what they’re really feeling or thinking. If they’re hurt, they will choose to suffer and become cold and uncommunicative.


  1. Boredom Should Be Your Biggest Riffs


Aquarius are the ones who avoid going to pay the bills seeing that standing in a queue bores them. They’re the ones who start humming a song when no one is talking and they have a habit of constantly checking their phone. For them, boredom is a state of mind.


  1. Posses A Traveler’s Soul


The Aquarius are thrill seekers who love to be active and on the move; traveling is their muse. At the end of every trip, they seriously consider missing their flight on purpose just to stay a little bit longer.


  1. Adapt to Anything


Come hell or high water, an Aquarius will deal with whatever comes ahead. They are flexible and do have thick skin.


  1. Everyone Is Their Friend

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They don’t consider anyone a stranger; they’re just friends they haven’t met yet.


  1. Be Frank (Sometimes in an offensive way)

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They don’t keep much to themselves; they prefer being honest and rude than being falsely sweet.


  1. Be The Life Of The Party

They are the people whose absence is noticeable. Whether it’s a party or an outing, they are the center of attention and the ones to always crack jokes.


  1. Be Single-Minded

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Although they’re good listeners, it’s very difficult to make the Aquarius-born change their pattern of thinking.