Feminism: “the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.” Or we could use what the Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary calls the simple definition and say it is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities”.

You would think just by saying that people would understand why such a movement isn’t just important but crucial in Egypt and most parts of the world. But just in case it isn’t, let’s dig deeper into it.

Women Already Have Their Rights

Really? Do they? Can she walk down the street without worrying about getting sexually harassed? Is she not going to be judged for staying out late? Is she allowed to travel alone? Will everyone not call her names and spread rumors because of how she’s dressed? What rights are we talking about then? If you’re a male reading this, tell me who do you think of when you’re getting dressed in the morning: the people on the street or your own comfort? Because 10 times out of 10, a girl is thinking about the people.


Feminism Promotes Hating Men

In the definition, it states that feminism strives for equality. It does not strive to have women seen as better than men. We want a world where stay-at-home dads are respected just as much as stay-at-home moms. Well, where you at least have that option if you and your spouse agree on that arrangement. A world where it’s okay for guys to show emotions, where hyper masculinity isn’t the only option. Where men and women alike are treated as humans, not just a shell of a gender.


But Men And Women Are Not Equal

I could sit here and argue with you about how women can do and do anything men can and how both are capable of preforming jobs that are classically stereotyped to be for the other gender but I won’t do that. Instead, I’m going to agree with you. Yes, women and men are different, just like all human beings are, but that does not make them unequal. All humans have worth and your gender or sex does not in anyway dictate that worth.


She’s Someone’s Daughter

This is actually a point people mention in support of feminism but is far from it! We need society to see women as humans, separate entities from men but worth the same. A woman does not get her worth by her association with a man. You need to respect her because she is a person, just like you!


Benevolent Sexism 

Sexism is good for women, in certain ways. We get our own queues in stores, get into clubs for free, get saved first in a life threatening situation and have men pay for our meals. That doesn’t make it okay though. Because as much ‘good’  women get out of it as much as all of these things have a catastrophic impact. It’s benevolent sexism because it’s hidden with good intentions; getting saved first makes you perceived as weaker. Having your meal paid for reinforces the notion that you are a dependent. Yes, all perks, but perks we pay a price for.


I hope this sheds some light onto a few issues with how feminism has recently been perceived. We are not here to burn our bras and curse at men; we want a world where all genders and sexes can live in harmony and peace.