socially awkward
If you’re socially awkward, say I. It’s okay if you’re an absolute fail at social interactions; the majority of us are. It’s easier to hide behind our phone keyboards than deal with actual humans face to face. Maybe we’ve become socially awkward because of increasing technology or the fast paced lifestyle, but anyone who is, will understand those moments and relate to them. 

1- Going out alone; BRING IT ON


You have no problem going out for dinner or a movie all by yourself, in fact, you might actually prefer it. You get to avoid the small talk and the tedious social interactions.

2- Shortest horror story: my phone is ringing


Ahhhh, take it away from me. Phone anxiety is a real thing, and you feel like it’s almost rude when someone calls you. That’s what WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger were made for.

3- Ordering food on the phone = serious anxiety 


You’ll be the first in your group of friends to REFUSE to make that order on the phone. Thank goodness for, you don’t have to speak to a human, and still don’t have to starve to death.

4- Sharing a small elevator with someone makes you seriously uncomfortable *sigh*


Do you acknowledge their existence? Do you awkwardly check your phone although you know it’s drier than the Sahara? Do you just look away and ignore them? Do you smile nervously? Say hi? Do you have to talk to them?! Oh thank God, you’re at your floor.

5- Compliments throw you off


When someone gives you a compliment, you probably don’t believe it, and you have no idea how to respond. Jess from New Girl got nothing on you.

6- When you’re the first of your friends to arrive somewhere


You’re okay with going out alone, when that’s the plan, but when you’re supposed to meet friends, you get jittery and nervous. Bless our mobile phones for making us look important and sh**.

7- Seeing someone you know in public… and doing everything you can to avoid them


You use your best camouflage techniques when you bump into someone you know in public. The awkward small talk drives you insane and you’d do anything to avoid it.

8- What is their name?!


And a big part of the reason is that you have no idea what their name is. One of your biggest anxieties is remembering names.

9- Taking photos confuses you 


You’re not photogenic, and have no idea how to act in front of the camera. You either smile half heartedly or make the most retarded poses to mask your mediocre posing skills.

10- Sales people scare you 


At a mall, you make a point of walking as far away from salespeople as possible. They’re too invasive and terrify you.

11- Making new friends is the biggest challenge for you 


No new friends, no no no.

12- Small talk makes no sense to you 


It’s either you don’t talk to someone at all, or you tell your 2.5 best friends way too much information.

13- Being alone after a long day of human interaction sounds heavenly 


Home sweet home, there’s no one and nothing better than you. No bra, no pants, and NO humans!

What socially awkward moments have you found yourself stuck in?