When people get the flu, they probably go through the same phases and think the same thoughts beginning with denial to accepting and hating it!! Here are 11 thoughts that come to your mind when you have the flu:

  • It’s not the flu; it’s just a sore throat.

im not sick

It usually starts off with you feeling generally tired, energy deprived and is usually accompanied by a sore throat. You start refusing the fact that you’re sick and deny it instead, convincing yourself that it will go away on its own.

  • Well, I’ll take a painkiller and this will all go away

it will go away

You start realizing that it’s the beginning of a flu so you hope that by taking painkillers it will soon end and you can have your normal self back.

  • Damn!! I need to rest!!

i feel like shit

You start accepting the fact that you’re sick and admit that you need to rest. Well, by then it’s probably too late already.

  • I need a hot drink dispenser next me, and a non-ending supply of Strepsils


Because it feels so much better when the hot drink is passing through your aching throat but sadly this feeling goes away as soon as you swallow it!!

  • Oh my God.. Can’t I sleep without feeling this sizzling fire in my throat?!

fire in my throat

You think the pain will go away when you sleep but NO.. it only gets worse!

  • I think I’m radiating heat.. And why is it soo cold?

what is happening

You’re not radiating heat; it’s probably just your high fever. It’s also the reason behing the splitting headache you’re having.

  • But I have so much things to do.. If I can just manage to get up….


No, don’t try to get up because as soon as you do you’ll start feeling very dizzy. You end up feeling sorry for yourself and give your body the rest that it so desperately needs; stop acting so stubborn!

  • How long have I been sleeping? What day is it?

what day is this

There’s this point when you kind of pass out and sleep for sooooo long!! You keep waking up and sleeping again that you lose track of time.

  • Do I look as terrible as I feel

oh my god

That’s when you decide to look in the mirror, definitely not a smart move since you probably look much worse than you feel.

  • I’d really appreciate it if I can take a shower


That thought hits you probably after looking at yourself in the mirror.

  • I really miss my healthy self

day dreaming

You can’t even remember how it felt to be healthy and energetic.